Sunday, October 12, 2008

What you've been waiting for

The wedding day has finally arrived and is now coming to a close.  Many of you are aware that today was Luka Ramadani's wedding.  For those of you who don't know, Luka is an evangelist with Pr. Hafermann and a close friend of Wartburg.  He is the first person we met and has quickly become a very close friend.  So the wedding was that much more meaningful.  
I will start describing it by talking a little about yesterday.  Lines of communication got crossed somewhere and the four of us thought the wedding was yesterday so we got up and ready and realized after hours of waiting that Pr. Hafermann was probably still in Dar after dropping Kirsten off at the airport.  Finally, when he arrived early in the afternoon he informed us that the wedding was tomorrow.  Luka wanted the wedding to be during worship so that would be the center with the wedding worked into the middle.  We had to pack our excitement back up and hold it until today.  Rough.  
We had the amazing opportunity to be special guests at this shindig.  This first meant that we rode in style with the family of the bride in a dala dala packed with about 17 people.  It was really good and the woman next to us told me that I have the face of Jesus.  Way nice, I think. And people are always eager to pass their frightened children to us which makes every ride wonderful.  The kids warm up pretty quickly.  The dala dala was full of music the entire time both on the way to the wedding and in our return to the seminary.  
We arrived to hundreds of people.  The church building was built by Luka and many of you helped paint it in May.  It was so nice.  The family welcomed us into the building and gave us pretty swank seats as is normal for guests.  Music started as we sat and it never ended.  Everyone was so happy, dancing and shouting even more than normal.  Luka is rock star in these parts.  The service began as normal but there was almost a visible skip in Pr. Hafermann's step.  Emy and Luka looked very solemn the entire time as is the local custom.  The bride and groom remain straight faced to respect the bride's family.  We were told that it shows that the bride is sad that she will be leaving her family.  But the wonderful thing is that her family was going nuts.  They were so happy, shouting during the service and moving so much.  It was amazing to see how close these two families are.  The service went on as normal but broke to conduct the weddings (oh, that's right, there were two weddings today.  The other was for an older couple.  So good.)  The couple exchanged vows and rings as the families exploded in joy and song.  They had to be hushed by the pastors for the congregation to simply hear the service. The after the vows it was clear that Luka was struggling to hold back a smile.  Upon their presentation to the congregation they were given large cross necklaces.  Emy had to help Luka put it on.  He couldn't get it right.  Weddings are amazing here.  Some aspects are very formal and high church.  But for the most part people come with their full humanity.  While they do not smile, so much joy is expressed and people are free to move around and joke and smile and really be people.  It is always so welcoming and so beautifully about the community.  There is always room for people, even if the children have to sit around the altar.  When they returned to their seats Luka did his characteristic head bob as his eyes closed half way.  Pr. Hafermann works him half to death plus he had so much to do for this wedding.  He is so happy and really glad it is over.    
The kids flocked to us the whole time.  We are very close to Luka's niece and nephew, both of whom are now under his care.  They shot over to us as soon as we arrived and helpded us take pictures the entire time.  Baraka, the 10 year old nephew, is awesome.  I taught him to thumb wrestle and he taught me some Swahili.  God exchange.  Oh, and my little buddy Issacka from the first time we visited this village (his picture is in my facebook album.  His is the face I am squishing) was there in a super fresh suit.  He is about 3 but remembered me from nearly a month ago.  He saw me sitting and leapt from the arms of the woman holding him and jumped on my lap.  He bounced between Steve's lap and mine throughout the service.  
After the service there was the normal church auction followed by the meal celebration during which we greeted the wedding party.  They were so happy.  Luka was absolutely beaming.  All in all, a good day.

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