Thursday, September 25, 2008

bruised arms and dirty feet

Good evening.
This was the last day for a couple students. We had a big celebration and a lot of food. Peter 
even graced us with the song joy to the world by three dog night. They make such a big deal
over all the students here. It is wonderful. This place very quickly becomes one of family and
home. It is really a place of welcome.  This is way good for my independent study. Ha.
I feel so much better today. I didn't write yesterday because I was feeling rather ill. I was pretty
weak so I was worried it was malaria. But even if it was, time cured it. By the morning I felt
amazing. So there you go.
Studies are still going fine. Though, I can tell that we are all getting anxious to get to actually use
the language for our other studies. I really enjoy learning language but I want to see more people.
This afternoon a bunch of the students went and played volley ball. It was so good to get some movement.
And to be covered in bruises and dirt. Steve was so covered that our teacher Bariki began calling him
Alima viazi-he cultivates potatoes. The red dirt seemed to cover his entire body. I think we need
to make this new name stick.
I really got to know this married couple and their baby this afternoon. They are originally from India
and are currently doing their doctoral studies through Mich State. The husband is working with
environment and economy as he is working on reforesting the area to combat global warming
and looking into how programs like these can be economically supported. The wife, Mamka is looking
at the sociological side of this. The baby mostly just drools and poops. They are really into
organic farming as community building. It is amazing because this summer at the Life Matters thing
we looked at a church whose primary meeting place was at a community garden that it had planted.
I really want to incorporate this to my future in ministry. I think this is an incredible way to reach out
and supply and support local food as well. I will have to think more about this...
Well, I need to wash my feet and see if I can scoot this gecko from our main room into Peter's bed where 
he is sleeping right now.

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